Through Health and Physical Education, DCPS develops physically literate students who have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. DCPS provides comprehensive, progressive studies through high-quality instruction rooted in research-based best practices.  Each program provides students with necessary skills to engage in a lifetime of wellness and physical activity. The primary goals of comprehensive health education are to develop health literacy in students and to support them in attaining positive health outcomes. 


Search for materials by standard, grade level, or instructional model, or browse the full collection below.


Elementary PE - Stop, Drop, and Roll

Project-Based Learning

Students will learn how to keep their family safe in case of an emergency. In order to be successful, students will practice various locomotor and non-locomotor skills that can be used to safely evacuate from a building. An obstacle course that simulates a fire emergency will be completed in order to apply the skills that they have practiced during learning stations. A checklist assessment will be utilized in order to gauge student understanding. Using a graphic organizer, learning stations, exemplars and whole group discussions will guide and enhance student learning. Click here to access the full Cornerstone on Canvas.


K- Identify how rules promote safety and that following rules can prevent injuries.

K- Identify community helpers and describe their role in keeping communities safe.

K- Explain what to do in an emergency at home or school (e.g. what to do if someone is choking or if there is a fire). Travels demonstrating low, middle and high levels.

K- Describe safety hazards, including those related to fire, water, dangerous objects and how to seek help in these situations.

S2.E1.1(a): Travels demonstrating a variety of relationships with objects (over, under, around and through).

S2.E3.1(a): Differentiates between slow and fast speeds.

Elementary PE - Biking in the Park

Performance Preparation

Students will identify and define basic safety procedures and methods to safely ride a bicycle in a course structure and a group ride. Those skills include the ability to demonstrate a correct helmet fit, perform a standard bicycle check, knowledge of hand signals, and identify road signs and the proper clothing to wear. The students will culminate their learning with a group bike ride to the park. Click here to access the full Cornerstone on Canvas.


Std 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Std 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

Std 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

Std 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

Std 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

Middle Grades PE - Turn Up, Turn Out for Your Community

Project-Based Learning

Students will demonstrate deeper understanding of bullying and violence by exploring the reasons why people choose these behaviors. They will apply this knowledge to resolve issues within their own school and community through advocating for a solution through a campaign. Through project-based learning, students will (1) understand the causes and impacts of bullying; (2) analyze strategies that can end bullying; (3) develop a plan to stop bullying and violence at their schools; and (4) present their plan and action steps to the rest of the class. Students will read current anti-bullying plans and participate in peer feedback to develop an excellent final product. Related resources include videos and text selections from various sources. Click here to access the full Cornerstone on Canvas.


6- Identify dangerous/ risky behaviors that might lead to injuries.

6- Describe how refusal skills help youth avoid unsafe situations.

6- Persuade others to make positive safety and violence/injury prevention choices.

6- Develop and apply personal conflict resolution strategies to prevent, manage, or resolve interpersonal conflicts.

6- Analyze the positive and negative effects peer influence can have on personal safety decisions.

Middle Grades PE - Triple Threat

Project-Based Learning

In this Cornerstone, students will create a toolkit of refusal statements and strategies that can be used when someone asks them to try alcohol or other drugs. Students must include a sample dialogue between two people, where one person uses effective communication skills to resist pressure to use alcohol or other drugs and identify factors that influence a person's decision not to use alcohol, tobacco or other drugs. Click here to access the full Cornerstone on Canvas.


6-8.1.16 Identify internal and external factors that influence the decision of young people to use or not use alcohol or drugs.

6-8.1.17 Demonstrate ways of refusing tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs from peers and ways of sharing preventative health information.

Middle Grades PE - Place Matters

Project-Based Learning

In this Cornerstone, students will engage in various activities to become health advocates within their communities. They will examine health disparities, explore how the built environment impacts the health of individuals and communities and investigate why some people are more likely to become sick than others. They will analyze the relationship between various health features within the community and the health of its members. Students will then develop a documentary on a health issue within their community and propose a solution to the issue. Resources include videos and photos. Click here to access the full Cornerstone on Canvas.


6- Describe how exposure to environmental factors can impact health.

6- Analyze the effects of social norms, cultures, values, attitudes and behaviors on personal and community health.

6- Demonstrate the ability to advocate for health promoting opportunities for self and others, including assertive consumerism.

6- Examine barriers to accessing appropriate health care.

6- Analyze behavioral, genetic, environmental, and other risk factors that contribute to or prevent major diseases.

Middle Grades PE - If You're Watching This

Project-Based Learning

In this Cornerstone, students will identify anxiety, mood, and depressive disorders. Students will compare and contrast disorders, identify supports and treatments, and collaborate to create video messages addressing individuals suffering from mental disorders. Students will use their knowledge of mental health issues and treatment options to promote positive mental and emotional health in their communities. Click here to access the full Cornerstone on Canvas

Standards 6- Identify and evaluate the validity of sources of information and services for getting help for mental, emotional, and social health problems.

6- Demonstrate healthy ways to express caring, friendship, affection, and love, both verbally and nonverbally.

6- Define stress, anxiety, and depression. Identify the signs, symptoms and potential effects of each on the individual (e.g., suicidal thoughts, self-harm, and overeating).

6- Explain how appropriate mental health care can help prevent, detect, and treat mental health concerns, such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and suicide.

6- Recommend ways to help a friend or family member deal with emotional or mental health challenges.

6- Demonstrate ways to show support to a peer who is grieving, suffering from trauma, or dealing with depression /anxiety.

Middle Grades PE - What's Cooking

Project-Based Learning

Students will learn fundamental cooking skills in order to make wise food choices for a lifetime of good health. Through hands-on learning, students will develop self-efficacy as they analyze significant nutrition information, develop culinary skills, practice food safety, cultural diversity, and demonstrate teamwork. They will develop the skills needed to prepare multiple healthy recipes including dips and salads. Using these skills, they will prepare a healthy meal and eat together as a social unit. Resources include kitchen equipment and healthy recipes. Click here to access the full Cornerstone on Canvas

Standards 6- Describe strategies for proper food-handling and storage to prevent the spread of foodborne illness.

6- Analyze how internal and external influences (e.g., culture, food costs, poverty, environment, peers, and family) affect food choices.

6- Demonstrate the ability to apply a decision-making model to make healthy good choices at home and away from home.

6- Analyze the concepts of variety, moderation, caloric intake and energy expenditure.

6- Demonstrate effective ways to influence, promote, and support positive health behaviors (e.g., supporting others to choose healthy food).

High School PE - Evaluate Your Options

Project-Based Learning

Students will explore community resources for participating in physical activity outside of school and examine aspects of their personal network that support or hinder their participation in physical activity. Students will tour their neighborhood and research fitness opportunities. Through project based learning, students will (1) create a plan that allows them to take advantage of at least one fitness opportunity, (2) create a chart to show when and where opportunities are available and list the needs and requirements associated with each, (3) develop a personal fitness plan, and (4) present their findings at a class activity fair. Students will receive both peer and teacher feedback throughout this cornerstone. Community resources like Capital Bikeshare and the DC Department of Parks and Recreation will be used during this cornerstone.
Click here to access the full Cornerstone on Canvas.


S3.H4.L1: Evaluates, according to their benefits, social support network, and participation requirements, activities that can be pursued in the local environment.

High School PE - Practice Makes Perfect

Project-Based Learning

Students will understand the importance of lifetime sport participation. Students will show competency and/or refine skills necessary for participation in two lifetime sports via a skills analysis and action plan. Through project based learning, students will produce a teaching guide for the lifetime skill for growth in the lifetime sport of their choice. They will showcase their skills and receive feedback through class and evaluation opportunities. Click here to access the full Cornerstone on Canvas.


S1.H1.L1 Demonstrates competency and/or refines activity specific movement skills in two or more lifetime activities (outdoor pursuits, individual-performance activities, aquatics, net/ wall or target games)

High School PE - Fitness Plan

Performance Preparation

In this Cornerstone, students will understand the importance of a well-rounded fitness plan. Students will analyze their fitness assessments to set new fitness goals. Through project based learning, students will create a fitness improvement plan, then use at least three technology resources (apps or websites) to develop a circuit training routine that addresses their areas of need. Students will receive peer and teacher feedback on their personal fitness plan. IHT Monitors and the FitnessGram Norms Chart will be used during this cornerstone. Click here to access the full Cornerstone on Canvas.


S3.H11.L2: Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g., assessment scores goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement).